Saturday, June 06, 2009

Co-sleeping with Simon

I think I've mentioned that Simon is teething and he keeps waking up all the time, or if he's just in a bad habit. Last night, I got so sick of getting up with him that I finally just brought him to bed with us. I had let him cry for about an hour already and he just wasn't stopping. He's fun to sleep with. He fell asleep after a few minutes, but then woke up again and started going, "ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhh, AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" This isn't crying, just him vocalizing. Then all is quiet for awhile until you hear "scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch" on the sheets and next he'll start blowing bubbles.

I gave him his pacifier and then he fell asleep for about four hours with us. This time, Greg was the one who had to sleep hanging off the edge of the bed. He asked me to move over at one point and I remember saying no. We slept until 6:15 and would have slept later, but my alarm went off and I couldn't find it for the longest time. Simon was so excited to wake up and see Mommy and Daddy. I tried to go back to sleep, but then I opened my eyes and saw Simon about half an inch away from my nose, smiling and drooling. Then sleep was hopeless, since he started crawling all over us.

Simon is very mobile now. He can get into a sitting position from his tummy, and he's mastered crawling backwards. Forward is still a little tricky and he's still kind of army crawling.

We found a house that we just loved, but when we made an offer on it we found out it had sold already. So we're looking at some more tomorrow.

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