Monday, June 22, 2009

My sigmoidoscopy

The flex sig was today, and if you don't want to hear about it you can just skip this part, but this has been what my life has been like the past seven months. When I went into yet another cdif relapse my doctor called me and talked me into getting scoped again. Obviously I was less than pleased, but went along with it anyway. So this morning I woke up after sleeping all night long (strange) and proceeded with my cleansing. I was told to take to enemas, however the box directions don't tell you how awkward this is. In the end I was only able to take half of one enema, and I told my doctor and nurses that that would just have to be good enough. Nana (not my mom, but a different Nana) came over with her grandkids to babysit Simey. I went to West Health, got checked in, made sure the nurse understood NOT to sedate me (they had it written down that I had requested sedation). I sat back there for almost an hour thinking the whole time that I could've just stayed home awhile longer if they were just going to ignore me. Finally the wheeled me into the operating room, scoped and biopsied me, listened to my doctor tell me that it didn't look like psuedomembraneous colitis (look it up). He thought it would be. I had a little inflammation towards the end, but otherwise my colon looked perfectly healthy. Ah, the mystery continues. I think I may need Dr. House pretty soon. After the flex sig, I had my post surgical chat with the doctor. he said to continue my meds, but he's probably going to send me to another specialist, or a group of scientists at Harvard... Or he'll do something else. The very second he mentioned fecal transplant (again, look it up) I just started laughing. yeah right. Which family member would like to be my donor???? hmmmmm????? hahahaha The fun ended with a trip to urgent care where they drew some blood to test for immunodeficiency (no, not HIV). I am a medical mystery, however, the good news is I'm not dying. Enough tests have been done to prove that already.

In other news. Simon is crawling everywhere! He is fascinated with the electrical cords and I am constantly chasing him. He's really good at it now, and much faster! I have to always be watching him. I've learned that when he's being quiet, he's probably being naughty. And it's true. Last time I wasn't watching him and it was quiet, I that he had tipped over a bottle of of sunquist onto the carpet, AND unscrewed the cap enough to make it leak. Thank goodness they replace the carpet after every tenant vacates. Note to self: Never have light-colored carpet around children.

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